• 1. Scope of the Journal
    Pahal Horizon publishes original research articles, reviews, and theoretical papers in the fields of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Management. Submissions should align with the journal's scope and contribute to the advancement of knowledge within these disciplines.
  • 2. Originality and Plagiarism
    All submissions must be original and free from plagiarism. Authors should acknowledge and cite sources appropriately. Any form of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will result in immediate rejection.
  • 3. Manuscript Formatting
    Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Pahal Horizon Manuscript Template, which includes guidelines on structure, formatting, and citation style. Submissions should be in English, and authors are encouraged to use clear and concise language. Download manuscript format
  • 4. Submission Process
    Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through our online submission system. Authors are required to provide a cover letter, clearly stating the novelty and significance of their work. Include a list of keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript.
  • 5. Peer Review Process
    Pahal Horizon employs a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and validity of published articles. Submitted manuscripts will undergo blind peer review by experts in the respective fields. Authors will receive feedback from reviewers, and revisions may be requested for final acceptance.
  • 6. Copyright and Licensing
    Authors retain the copyright to their work but are required to grant Pahal Horizon the right to publish and distribute the accepted manuscript. Published articles will be under a Creative Commons license, allowing for proper dissemination and use of the research.
  • 7. Ethical Considerations
    Authors must adhere to ethical standards in research and publication. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed in the submission. Pahal Horizon follows ethical guidelines and may reject or retract submissions that violate these principles.
  • 8. Acknowledgment of Funding
    Authors should acknowledge any funding sources that supported the research presented in the manuscript.
  • 9. Publication Fees
    Pahal Horizon may charge publication fees to cover the costs of editorial processes and online hosting. Details regarding fees can be found here.
  • 10. Post-publication Promotion
    Authors are encouraged to actively promote their published work through their academic networks and social media, contributing to the broader dissemination of research. By adhering to these guidelines, authors can contribute to the high standards of scholarship maintained by Pahal Horizon. We appreciate your commitment to excellence and look forward to showcasing your valuable contributions in our journal.

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