Nominate Yourself
At Pahal Horizon, we believe in fostering a vibrant community of student researchers who are passionate about advancing knowledge and skills in research. To enhance this collaborative spirit, we are introducing the Student Councils Position

Key Features of the Student Councils
  • Exclusive Leadership Role
    • • Each members who are nominating yourself for the Pahal Horizon Student Council must have student membership of Pahal Horizon and should have atleast 6 members to form the councils.
    • • One outstanding student council from each institute can nominate yourself for the Pahal Horizon Student Council.
    • • Student members of the councils will spearhead pahal horizon initiatives within their institution.
  • Team Building Opportunity
    • • Councils will have the privilege to build and lead a dedicated team of students.
    • • This creates a dynamic environment for collaboration and skill development.
  • Research Grant Opportunities
    • • Student Councils are eligible to apply for research grants to fund their initiatives and contribute to the academic community.
  • Publication Opportunities
    • • The chance to fast-track research findings for publication in Pahal Horizon's renowned international research journal.
  • Access to Premium Resources
    • • Student Council will enjoy exclusive access to premium research resources, journals, and databases to enrich their projects.
  • Professional Development
    • • Participation in workshops, webinars, and training sessions designed to enhance research and leadership skills.
    • • Opportunities to interact with renowned scholars, industry experts, and other council members.
  • Recognition and Awards
    • • Outstanding contributions by student councils members will be acknowledged through certificates and awards.
    • • A chance to present research at Pahal Horizon conferences, gaining visibility in the academic community.
  • Networking and Collaboration
    • • Exclusive access to a dedicated online platform for Student Council members to connect, collaborate, and share insights.
    • • Facilitated networking events to foster relationships with peers and professionals in the field.

Student Councils Positions and Responsibilities
  • President
    • • Provides overall leadership and strategic direction for the council.
    • • Represents the council in official capacities and ensures all activities align with the council’s mission.
  • Vice President
    • • Assists the President and steps in during their absence.
    • • Oversees specific initiatives and projects as needed.
  • Event Management Officer
      • Plans and executes events such as workshops, seminars, and social gatherings.
        • Ensures events are well-organized and meet the council’s objectives.
  • Communication & Outreach Officer
    • • Develops and maintains relationships with other student organizations, academic departments, and external partners.
    • • Coordinates collaborative projects and community outreach activities.
  • Public Relations Officer
    • • Manages the council’s image and public presence.
    • • Handles social media accounts, press releases, and other communications.
  • Webmaster/Technology Officer
    • • Manages the council’s website and other online platforms.
    • • Ensures the council’s digital presence is up-to-date and user-friendly.

How to apply?
Student interested for participating in the Student Council Position can submit the application form available on our website.
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